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Library Cards

Get a Library Card

With your WAGGIN card you will be able to:

  • Access materials and resources including books, DVDs, CDs, and unique collections including rare and historic books and photographs.
  • Borrow materials from any participating library in the WAGGIN Network and have them delivered to a library near you.
  • Borrow materials from libraries outside of the WAGGIN Network through the Interlibrary Loan process.
  • Return library materials to any WAGGIN Network Member Library.
  • Locate items in our collection on any computer with Internet capabilities. Just go to to begin.
  • Search online databases, download eBooks and Digital Audiobooks, take an online class, or check your library account online from your home, office, or school.
  • Access the Internet at any library location.


  • Bring your card with you on each visit.
  • Prepare to present identification (we may need to verify that a cardholder is using the proper account).
  • Renew your account (most accounts expire every three years and must be reactivated with proper ID).
  • Your WAGGIN Card is free. If you lose it, you will have to pay a $2 replacement fee.
  • It does not cost anything to use a WAGGIN Network Library if you remember 3 simple rules:
    • return borrowed materials on time
    • return what you borrowed in good condition
    • keep track of your library card

Card and Account Management

It is important that you do not lend your card to anyone. Keep your card in a safe place and monitor your account regularly. Passwords are required for online account management. Please establish a secure password and do not share it with anyone.

When you receive your library card you accept responsibility for all activities on the card including:

  • Care and conditions of the items checked out including all parts and pieces
  • Extended use fees based on library policies
  • Payment for lost, unreturned, or damaged items.

Visit and click on “My Account” to view the material checked out on your card and review due dates and fines.


  • If you lose your card or suspect that it has been stolen, report the missing card immediately to your library.
  • Review your account and report any concerns in a timely manner.
  • Extended use notices are provided as a courtesy. You are responsible for knowing the due dates of borrowed materials.
  • Provide a current email address to receive courtesy overdue and reserve notices.
  • By providing your email address, you understand that overdue and reserve notices will be sent via email.

Borrowing Policies

Your card provides access to materials and resources made available to the WAGGIN Network cardholders. Parents and guardians should supervise and discuss library usage and parental expectations with their children.

Checkout periods are designed to maintain the Library’s collections and provide equal access to all cardholders. Extended use fees are charged for overdue materials; please pay them as promptly as possible. You will not be able to borrow materials or use our computer services if outstanding charges total $10 or more.

Please take note of the due date and potential fees for items upon check-out. Extended use for books is usually .20 cents per day, but for DVDs or specialized items, may be $1.00 or more per day.


  • Items not returned in six weeks from the due date will be billed to the account.
  • Policies and fines vary for libraries that are outside of the WAGGIN Network.

Returning Materials

Items may be returned to any participating public library (not school or university library) within Washington, Greene, and Fayette Counties and will be checked in from your account on the day received.

Items returned to outdoor book drops after the Library is closed will be back-dated to the previous day’s date.


We respect your right to privacy. By law, we cannot discuss details of a library account with any individual other than the cardholder. Parents must bring their minor child with them to use or discuss the child’s account. If you need to discuss your account by phone, please have your account number ready.

We promise to:

  • Protect the confidentiality of your record in accordance with the law and our policies.
  • Provide equal and fair access to all cardholders.
  • Work with you to resolve account issues in a fair manner.
  • Provide and maintain a collection of materials to meet our customers’ needs.